In one of the most significant changes to gameplay in the last 17 years, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 introduced the tactical stance and to make sense of it – we've got the CoD MW3 tac-stance explained with how to use it.


For Call of Duty purists, you need not be concerned with it as it's quite a useful addition to the game – and it's entirely optional.

It is great though for maps with close-quarters combat and came in handy during Ranked Play as we grind our way through the latest Season. That is when we're not having some silly fun in CoD Zombies...

If you're yet to get aboard the Call of Duty train, soon you'll be able to try it out Call of Duty 6: Black Ops 6 for no extra cost as it is confirmed to be coming to Xbox Game Pass on day one.

But no matter, the tac-stance exists in the here and now, so let's get to it!

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What is tactical stance in CoD MW3?

The tac-stance is a move in which the weapon is slightly raised to a position between hip-firing and aiming down the sights, and it's especially useful in aggressive plays.

So if you find yourself too close to your enemies to get into the aim, and too far to melee, the tactical stance is your best friend as you can get off some shots quicker than you would from aiming, and with greater accuracy than traditional hip-firing.

The speed of the sights is increased in the stance, too if you decide you need more accuracy.

How to use CoD MW3 tactical stance

To use the CoD MW3 tactical stance, you simply need to aim down the sights and press down on the D-Pad or V by default on PC.

Before you can do this, though, make sure the stance is activated in the gameplay settings.

While you're in the settings, you'll also be able to adjust the 'tactical stance behaviour'.

Once you've made sure it's activated, you'll have an option of two button commands to use the tac-stance: aim and melee, or aim and down.

It might be worth trying both of these out in the game, and finding out which one works best for you.

Check out this handy YouTube video from YTLukeyy for a quick look at how it works and should look in-game:

If you're sliding, however, you'll tac-stance by default - so no need to press anything, just shoot!


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