Best friends resolve to learn the truth about a shocking disappearance in a six-part comedy thriller created and written by Charlotte Coben set in present-day Liverpool. Five years after Peter (Olisa Odele) vanished in mysterious circumstances, 20-something twin sister Jess (Vivian Oparah) is unable to move on with her life. Accompanied by Peter's boyfriend Elliot (Bilal Hasna), the grief-stricken duo party to excess to numb the pain, forever haunted by what happened to the young man that binds them. Elliot begins a relationship with Will (Marcus Hodson) as someone contacts Jess, claiming to be Peter. As the world spins off its axis, a tenacious Detective Chief Inspector (Peter Serafinowicz) seeks answers and Elliot's bigoted grandmother Francine (Penelope Wilton) doesn't hold back from sharing her unwanted opinions.