Drama by Peaky Blinders creator Steven Knight, following young people drawn into the ska and two-tone scene in the Midlands during a period of social unrest in the early 1980s
Drama by Peaky Blinders creator Steven Knight, following young people drawn into the ska and two-tone scene in the Midlands during a period of social unrest in the early 1980s
role | name |
Dante Williams | Levi Brown |
Gregory Williams | Jordan Bolger |
Bardon Quinn | Ben Rose |
Jeannie Keefe | Eve Austin |
Eamonn Quinn | Peter McDonald |
Robbie Carmen | David Dawson |
Deuce Williams | Nicholas Pinnock |
Fiona | Freya Parks |
Estella | Michelle Dockery |
Wire | Stefan Asante-Boateng |
role | name |
Writer | Steven Knight |