A game show-obsessed woman's path to enlightenment demands answers to simple questions in a rollicking comedy written by Jen D'Angelo and directed by Jessica Yu. Mild-mannered accounting services worker Anne Yum (Awkwafina) receives unsettling news that her mother has disappeared from her care home. Moreover, the missing matriarch has spent 80,000 dollars feeding a gambling habit and an angry creditor is holding Anne's beloved dog hostage as collateral until the arrears are settled. Anne's extrovert sister Jenny (Sandra Oh) conceives a perfect plan to raise the cash: playing for the jackpot on her favourite TV show, Can't Beat The Quiz hosted by the ebullient Terry McTeer (Will Ferrell). The siblings embark on a madcap cross-country odyssey to transform shrinking violet Anne into a gameshow contender and defeat slippery reigning champion Ron Heacock (Jason Schwartzman)