Animated sci-fi fantasy directed by Hayao Miyazaki. In a post-apocalyptic world covered by poisonous jungle and ruled by giant insects, a young princess tries to make amends for the mistakes of her ancestors.
Animated sci-fi fantasy directed by Hayao Miyazaki. In a post-apocalyptic world covered by poisonous jungle and ruled by giant insects, a young princess tries to make amends for the mistakes of her ancestors.
Japanese maestro Hayao Miyazaki delivers a strong environmental message in this vibrant animated sci-fi fantasy. Based on part of the writer/director's long-running manga series, it's set in a post-apocalyptic future where toxic spores threaten Earth's remaining human inhabitants. Among the residents is warrior princess Nausicaa who's forced to take drastic action to quash the ecologically disastrous plans of two warring nations. The storyline is commendably ambitious, exploring darker themes that are reminiscent of Miyazaki's 1997 hit Princess Mononoke. But it's also underdeveloped, which means some of the more elaborate elements lack exposition. Fortunately, the feature's visual fluidity and beauty offer compensation, even if the artwork isn't as refined as in his later work.
role | name |
Director | Hayao Miyazaki |