During the 1950s, an ordinary man, reduced by years of oppressive office routine to a shadow existence, makes a supreme effort to turn his dull life into something wonderful. Drama, starring Bill Nighy, Tom Burke and Aimee Lou Wood
During the 1950s, an ordinary man, reduced by years of oppressive office routine to a shadow existence, makes a supreme effort to turn his dull life into something wonderful. Drama, starring Bill Nighy, Tom Burke and Aimee Lou Wood
role | name |
Williams | Bill Nighy |
Margaret Harris | Aimee Lou Wood |
Peter Wakeling | Alex Sharp |
Sutherland | Tom Burke |
Middleton | Adrian Rawlins |
Hart | Oliver Chris |
Rusbridger | Hubert Burton |
Mrs McMasters | Zoe Boyle |
role | name |
Director | Oliver Hermanus |